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Editing Services

Ignite's editorial services are provided by Claire Sheridan


If you have questions, or if your project is a little different, please contact Claire to discuss your needs.

An Analysis: A Good Place to Start

Analysis consists of a read-through of your entire piece and combines the elements of a beta reader and a manuscript evaluation.


After reading your work, Claire provides you with a written overview, which will include feedback about what’s working, what might be challenging for your reader, and suggestions to help clarify or strengthen your story.


Rates are based on the length. 


5-page complementary sample; US$6 per double-spaced, typewritten, 12-point font page with 1.5” margins. 


Editing: Ready for the Next Step

Claire's editing combines line edits and developmental editing; it consists of a thorough, in-depth reading of your piece.


You’ll receive line-by-line feedback through Track Changes in a Microsoft Word or Google document, including suggestions about shortening, clarifying, or deepening your piece.


This may include word changes, suggestions about rearranging the order of the piece, and/or identifying story gaps. As Claire edits, she'll also be looking at technical aspects of the work, such as word tense and subject/verb agreement.


5-page complementary sample; US$8 per double-spaced, typewritten, 12-point font page with 1.5” margins.

Get in Touch

If you're ready for the next step, please email:​


Please include the following about your project:


•    whether your piece is fiction or non-fiction

•    the topic or genre of the piece

•    approximate word count 

•    any deadlines you’re facing.


First, we'll set a time for an initial, complimentary zoom consultation to determine whether we're a good fit for working together.


Once we decide it’s a go, Claire will provide a copy of Ignite's Service Agreement with all the details of our working relationship.


After that’s done, once Ignite receives your retainer, it’s off to the races!

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